One of the biggest challenges sellers face when getting their house ready to go on the market is decluttering. Clearing out some of your more personal decorating choices allows buyers to imagine themselves living in the house.
Those homeowners who plan on selling their house this year may want to consider following KonMari Method of Tidying Up. Marie Kondo, the inventor of the method has gained a lot of popularity with her new Netfix series. She gives some great tips for sorting through the years of accumulated possessions that we all collect in our homes, especially if you will be downsizing to a smaller place.
As Ms Kondo explains, “The KonMari Method encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.”
When you subjectively look at all of your belongings, you can sort through the ones that mean the most to you. Not only will you increase space for more joy-bringing items in your new place, but you will also have a much easier time packing your remaining belongings.
As Ms. Kondo says, “you have to remember that tidying up isn’t about getting rid of stuff. It is about creating an environment that sparks joy and improves your quality of life.”
So whether you are selling your house to move up to a larger on, downsizing, or moving in with family, only bring the items that truly spark joy for you. This will not only help cut down the items you move, but also ensures that you’re off to a great start in your new home.
If you would like to talk more about tidying up your house to prepare it for sale, feel free to reach out to me.